C2D launches 12 community radio stations

"Community radio is one of the most effective tools for community development. Aware of this reality, the National Participatory Development Programme (PNDP), thanks to C2D funds, has implemented an important project that has enabled the rehabilitation of 8 radio stations and the creation of 12 others, on behalf of the municipalities, in the country's 10 regions. Staff and members of the media management committees have been trained to improve their knowledge in the management and management of this important rural development tool.


These new radios will amplify the development efforts of rural populations, through their exceptional ability to share in real time essential information about development, future prospects, experiences, practical knowledge and issues of general interest. As for C2D, these radios provide an additional platform to raise awareness of its achievements in Cameroon and, above all, to enable the population to become better acquainted with the projects and programmes implemented.
